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C O N T R A C T O R S For adaptable and scalable projects. Contractors is a service portfolio created for companies looking to build professional teams as quickly as projects are closed in the international sphere. Contact If you are a company closing deals internationally and seeking


Para profesionistas mexicanos que desean cerrar negocios con clientes en Estados Unidos.

What are the advantages of hiring in LATAM?

A few decades ago, the so-called brain drain was a common phenomenon among Hispanic professionals who had the chance to study at the best universities in the world; Once their academic preparation was over, they preferred to reside permanently in the cities that welcomed them. However, the story of top-tier

The world is your talent pool

The intellectual development that Latin America presents is an opportunity for top-level companies in the United States that seek to increase their horizons in terms of budget and cultural enrichment. At the same time, Latin talent seeks the experience that top-tier companies can offer, creating a productive environment for both

Managers within the remote era

At Core, we know that being a leader in a remote environment can be a transition stage where you discover new ways to lead a team.

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+52 33 3330 2145

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Guadalajara, Jalisco